Thursday 8 October 2015

Tracking test

Day at the beach - (Tracking test) from Abbey Armstrong on Vimeo.
I really enjoyed creating this test as I think the tracking tool is useful and I see how it could be used to create some really cool visuals. To create this shot I used the mocha tracking tool on adobe after effects and chose a couple of points that stuck out from the background to assure a steady track, and these certain points took the form of a couple of rocks on the beach here. After I had a strong track I created a null object to paste that information into and then parented my images with it, which included; a distant glacier, a beach umbrella and a walrus. Then for finishing touches to this shot I created an adjustment layer and messed around with the colour balance to give the scene a warmer feeling.  

Friday 2 October 2015

Animated still test

Animated still test from Abbey Armstrong on Vimeo.
This is my first go at creating an animated still using photoshop and after effects. This image was made up of 8 different layers of images I got from google. It was quite time consuming to cut out the backgrounds from the images I wanted especially on objects like clouds or trees as they are not completely solid as light still passes through certain parts. To create this 3D effect using only 2D images we had to use the camera tool in after effects which I was new to. This tool allowed us to create depth of field and we could arrange the layers in a 3D space giving the look of them being different distances apart.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Channel E4 Ident

E4 Ident from Abbey Armstrong on Vimeo.
This Animation was created using Photoshop and After Effects for the 2015 Channel E4 ident competition which is to create a short 10 second video featuring the channel's logo and using music supplied by them and the winner gets their video featured on TV.