Wednesday 13 January 2016

Character Design Timeline

Timeline Characters from Abbey Armstrong on Vimeo.
For one unit we had to think up 7 designs for characters that related to different points in time that ranged from the 1920's to 2020. I thoroughly enjoyed this unit as designing characters is one of my favourite things to do.

  • My 1920's character was inspired from popular fashion from that period which was very fun and elegant as well as dancing and jazz.

  •  The 1950's stereotypes included tough greasers and diner waitresses with roller skates, but the 50's were also a time where monster movies were hugely popular. My character is combination of all of these.

  • The 1970's was a time of peace and disco so I have incorporated those aspects into my design.

  • My 1980's character is a pun, as then sci-fi and glam metal were fairly big and many people had big hairstyles so my character here is a big hare. 

  • The 1990's was the time where the internet became more commonly used and fads like oxygen bars and having tattoos became popular.

  • 2015 was a pretty difficult one but the design is mainly based off fashion trends such as crop tops, jumpers and the top knot hairstyle. The fish aspect of the character came from the internet trend of trying to have big lips.

  • I doubt there'd be many major changes with 2020 but I over-exaggerated it by creating a cyborg character and Apocalypse-esc clothing. 

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