Thursday 5 May 2016

Adidas Projection Mapping

This project was a live projection mapping brief for Adidas, where we all had to create a short video associated with the new Adidas Japan pack. This meant that we could create anything as long as it was linked to: Adidas, Japan or the 80s and to produce our piece we could use any software or techniques that we wanted. My animation includes things such as Koi, Lanterns and Japanese lettering, and was created using Photoshop and After Effects as I am more confident in using them than Cinema 4D. Adidas Projection Mapping from Abbey Armstrong on Vimeo.

Below is footage taken on my mobile of a section of the actual projection mapping showing which includes animations from everyone in my college class and is being projected onto a 3D model we created of the Adidas logo.

Projection Mapping show from Abbey Armstrong on Vimeo.

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