Wednesday 8 June 2016


Since college is almost over I have looked at and applied to several different universities for courses similar to my current one. After going to interviews for each location I decided to choose Sunderland as my firm choice as the facilities there were some of the best, the staff were all very friendly and the modules of the course "Animation and Games art" all sounded fun and interesting.


2016 Showreel

My showreel for 2016 that includes both personal and college work

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Creative CV

When creating my creative CV I looked at many different examples from people in different areas of art and design. After some research the ones I found that interested me the most had a sort of theme to them or didn't just have a plain background and didn't use regular boring fonts. After noting all these points I wanted to relate my CV's look to that of my branding, so my blog name and icon. When I initially created my branding I thought up a concept behind it which was a circus with this raccoon as it's mascot, so to relate my CV to all of this I aimed to make it look like a circus poster.

Friday 27 May 2016


At college we were given the opportunity to visit the Yorkshire Sculpture park to view the KAWS exhibition for inspiration. The exhibition is named after the artist who designed all the sculptures on display here and besides creating models he is also known for his: paintings, graphic design work, toys and prints. His sculptures were displayed in several different locations in the park, with the smaller and brightly coloured acrylic ones being based inside the nearby gallery and then the bigger ones made from wood and fibreglass were displayed outside. His works all have a very distinct and familiar style similar to Disney's Mickey mouse or Nintendo's Mario in their rounded shape and clothing.


Thursday 5 May 2016

Steam Man Band

Illustrations done of the 3 main members of the band "Steam Powered Giraffe" all drawn in Adobe Photoshop


A short animated Gif of a character from the game "OFF"
Drawn in Photoshop and animated in After Effects

Adidas Projection Mapping

This project was a live projection mapping brief for Adidas, where we all had to create a short video associated with the new Adidas Japan pack. This meant that we could create anything as long as it was linked to: Adidas, Japan or the 80s and to produce our piece we could use any software or techniques that we wanted. My animation includes things such as Koi, Lanterns and Japanese lettering, and was created using Photoshop and After Effects as I am more confident in using them than Cinema 4D. Adidas Projection Mapping from Abbey Armstrong on Vimeo.

Below is footage taken on my mobile of a section of the actual projection mapping showing which includes animations from everyone in my college class and is being projected onto a 3D model we created of the Adidas logo.

Projection Mapping show from Abbey Armstrong on Vimeo.

Thursday 14 April 2016

Concept art - Character Design

We were tasked to create a concept for a game and then produce artwork for it which could either be characters, environments, vehicles or other assets. My story concept was set in space and followed a travelling circus ran by a mob boss.

Game Design - Bermuda

For this project we had to create an idea for a game and then draw assets for it such as the characters, title screen, objects and then environments. The following images are slides from my powerpoint that I created to showcase all my work for this project.

The title screen
Game loader:

The following are some environment ideas

This was an in game screenshot for my game, what I imagine it'd to look like
This is an idea of how my game could be advertised, using a recreation of the plane from the game

Below is an animated version of the title screen to show how it would look in game

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Ghost Train Animation

My completed animation I created using Cinema 4D for the first time. It ended up looking a bit different to my animatic due to time constraints and lack of knowledge on the software, the main differences being parts that were cut out like the character being a human as I realised how hard it would have been to create that model and then rig it too. The animation took a couple of weeks to complete and about 5 hours to render. As a whole I think it's not too bad for my first time using the software and I have higher hopes for the next time I use this software.

Ghost Train from Abbey Armstrong on Vimeo.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Ghost Train animatic

Ghost Train animatic from Abbey Armstrong on Vimeo.
This is the animatic for my upcoming animation for our 3D applications project. The animatic itself was created using my home art program and windows movie maker. The story to my animation is that there is a train that arrives at a random subway station every night when the clock strikes midnight, this train delivers the recently deceased and ghosts that have escaped Limbo and takes them to hell, my story focuses on the one witness to these events.

Character Design Timeline

Timeline Characters from Abbey Armstrong on Vimeo.
For one unit we had to think up 7 designs for characters that related to different points in time that ranged from the 1920's to 2020. I thoroughly enjoyed this unit as designing characters is one of my favourite things to do.

  • My 1920's character was inspired from popular fashion from that period which was very fun and elegant as well as dancing and jazz.

  •  The 1950's stereotypes included tough greasers and diner waitresses with roller skates, but the 50's were also a time where monster movies were hugely popular. My character is combination of all of these.

  • The 1970's was a time of peace and disco so I have incorporated those aspects into my design.

  • My 1980's character is a pun, as then sci-fi and glam metal were fairly big and many people had big hairstyles so my character here is a big hare. 

  • The 1990's was the time where the internet became more commonly used and fads like oxygen bars and having tattoos became popular.

  • 2015 was a pretty difficult one but the design is mainly based off fashion trends such as crop tops, jumpers and the top knot hairstyle. The fish aspect of the character came from the internet trend of trying to have big lips.

  • I doubt there'd be many major changes with 2020 but I over-exaggerated it by creating a cyborg character and Apocalypse-esc clothing.