Tuesday 2 January 2018

Character Bio's, Turn Arounds and Expressions


17-Year-old senior at high school studying physics and the protagonist of this series. With the upcoming prospect of paying for University and his family’s recent financial troubles, Charlie desperately searched around his town for work. After seeming to apply to every available business in town and not hearing anything back he began to panic, that is until he stumbled across a secluded diner at the edge of town he didn’t know existed and upon enquiring, was hired on the spot. The job consisted of a 6-day week, only working the night shifts and had a yearlong contract that he couldn’t back out of. It all seemed pretty intense and a tad shady but he was desperate, so accepted.

Personality- Polite, Helpful, Ambitious, Hard-worker, Scaredy-cat, Anxious, sarcastic  
  •          Is always tired and just wants to sleep
  •          Heavily reliant on his love- coffee, but is always jittery because of it. 
  •          Is a very logical person and hates/ fears things that go against it (and the laws of physics)
  •          Loves science and space
  •          Straight A student. Believes in brain over brawn
  •          Nerdy


 17-Year-old senior at high school studying fine art and Charlie’s best friend. Kayla has known Charlie since they were both kids and have been best friends for most of their lives. She has trouble sleeping so has taken up the catchphrase “Sleep is for the weak”. Normally when she can’t sleep she just sketches or browses creepy supernatural stuff on the internet but upon hearing Charlie got the night shift at a diner she was ecstatic to hear the two of them could hang out more, and the prospect of greasy food was just the icing on the cake.

Personality- Laid back, jokester, free spirit, cool, creative

  •          Insomniac – “Sleep is for the weak”
  •          Loves greasy food, especially burgers
  •          Stressed so hard in the past that she is now an emotionless husk
  •          Cryptid lover (fascinated by the supernatural)
  •          Always has a sketchbook with her
  •          Cool Dork

Charlie’s 6-year-old younger sister who he occasionally has to bring to work whenever his mother works nights. She is the sweetest and most well-behaved child you’ve ever met but if you hurt her brother she won’t hesitate to attack you. She has eyes for adventure and an unquenchable curiosity so has a habit of wandering off on her own and getting into trouble. Her best friend is a stuffed bear with glasses called “Professor Franklin” and they go everywhere together.

Personality- Adventurous, Curious, Fearless, Imaginative, charming, Happy, Bubbly 

  •          Has no fear
  •          Loves animals and nature
  •          Can lighten up any room
  •          No adults are immune to her cuteness


A former employee at the diner who died on the night shift just under a year ago by choking on a burger, but now he returns every night to continue to work his shifts as a zombie. Since emerging from his grave as his zombified self, his vocabulary has been limited to the word “Burger” and occasionally other items from the diner menu. With his limited verbal communication with humans he seemed to gain the power to understand and get along with animals as a trade off, and because of this has a pet chipmunk named “Pickle” who lives in his ribcage. 
Personality- Pure, Clumsy, Caring, Timid, Sweet, Tidy

  •          The Dr Dolittle of zombies
  •          Surprisingly a good cook
  •          Happiest when helping people or doing his job
  •          Rises every night from an unmarked grave in the forest behind the diner


 One of the Diner’s regular customers who happens to be a vampire, but luckily his thirst for blood can be quenched by red slushies, and he has been human free for 40 years. Delano has been around for centuries and struggles to keep up with trends and technology but he tries his best to try and understand them and move into the modern world.

Personality- Extravagant, Dramatic, Eccentric, Bizarre

  •          Wants to be hip and down with the kids but is just seen as the un-cool uncle
  •          Is addicted to slushies and because of this is often in states of a sugar high or crash
  •          Wants to move into the modern world but still holds onto his eccentricity (example: he ballroom dances to dubstep)
  •          Being naturally nocturnal, he Loves the late hours and nightlife
  •          Loves cats

 The next regular customer, Mangus is a skeleton from Scotland who tells everyone that he died years ago in a great battle, and totally not that he was impaled by some bagpipes. Said bagpipes stuck in his ribcage act as a type of stomach which allows him to drink, which is what draws him to the diner most days. Said bagpipes are also still functional and occasionally make sounds when he moves or gets angry. Mangus gets into trouble a lot with his get rich schemes and lack of respect for authority.

Personality- Devious, Grumpy, self-assured, Scheming, loud, patriotic, smug

  •          That grumpy uncle that secretly cares
  •          Love to complain, ramble and stir up trouble
  •          His bark is worse than his bite
  •          Only has Scottish currency
  •          Sore loser


 The joint owner/ manager to the Pit Stop diner (although she is hardly ever there), Loreta has a no nonsense policy when it comes to running her business and living her life. She’s sick of all her night shift staff continuously quitting or disappearing so has made a yearlong binding contract for that position. She tells everyone that she doesn’t believe any of their supernatural claims and is tired of hearing these stories. Everything she does is for the money, most of which goes to her rather than her staff or on fixing up the shabby diner, as is evident on her possessions and clothes.

Personality- Stubborn, Stylish, Judgemental, Unimpressed, Money minded, secretive

  •          Money is her love
  •          Fashion police chief
  •          Has a trash can called “The complaints department”
  •          Permanent resting bitch face
  •          More to her than meets the eye
  •          Likes to cut corners with her business, and sometimes the law
Mr Zhao-

Was born in China and moved to America as an adult and has worked as the Pit Stop’s janitor since it first opened. He loves it at the diner as his job is his life and he takes it very seriously. When he first started working there he would work whenever he was needed but one bad experience during the night shift left him rattled and he now refuses to work there after sun down. That incident turned him into a paranoid mess and he now always carries around charms and items to protect him from the supernatural. The only time he is not jumpy or afraid of the supernatural is when it interferes with his work, in times like that he turns into a badass force to be reckoned with.

Personality- Paranoid, Formal, workaholic, perfectionist, superstitious, cautious, Law-abiding 

  •          The G.I Joe of janitors
  •          Runs his job like a military operation (With no breaking protocol)
  •          Most people thing he’s a crazy superstitious mess
  •          Troublemakers beware, he can and will use cleaning supplies as weapons

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