Sunday 31 December 2017

"Do you want frights with that" - Logline and Premise

Logline/ Elevator pitch

A high school student has more to worry about at his new job than just flipping burgers, as the night brings with it an onslaught of new customers of the… supernatural variety.


“Do you want frights with that?” Follows a college student named Charlie who is desperate for work, too bad for him the only place that is hiring is the shabby old diner at the edge of town. After being hired on the spot and given a year-long contract that can’t be backed out of, he is placed as the only staff member on all the night shifts. When he starts his shift he soon discovers that the diner is very different by night, as sun down brings with it a new selection of customers… of the supernatural variety. Thankfully most of these diners are friendly and are just here for some greasy food rather than to eat his face, but every bunch has its bad eggs. To help him though all this is Kayla, his insomniac best friend who is always there to draw a motivational image, lend a sarcastic comment or just eat a tonne of burgers… Well maybe that’s not so helpful but the company is always appreciated. Together they try to ensure that the customers are satisfied and night runs smoothly so everything is in order come sunrise- otherwise, he will face the owner’s wrath.

Genre wise the show would be comedy and action. The series would be episodic, focusing on different plots every episode rather than follow a bigger overall story arc. A typical episode would either focus on a situation related to the diner such as supernatural forces interfering with Charlie’s work or to something caused by a character such as one losing control of themselves and the others needing to stop them.     

There are 9 main characters including the protagonist, and storylines can vary by following any one of them.
Charlie: Protagonist – A 17-year-old high school student studying physics who is in desperate need of money to help out his family.  
Kayla: Charlie’s Best Friend – An art student at the same high school who often spends her early mornings with Charlie on his shift at the diner on account of her insomnia and unquenchable hunger for burgers.
Loreta: Diner owner – Joint Owner & Manager of the diner whose true love is avoiding work, bossing others around and money. She is sick of night shift workers disappearing on her and has a no nonsense attitude in response to these ridiculous claims of ghosts and monsters.
Mr Zhao: Janitor – He is truly the G.I Joe of janitors, his work is his life and he enjoys every second of it. In the past he was open to working any hours he was required but after a fateful night shift he’s now a superstitious mess and refuses to work when the sun isn’t up.
Ava: Charlie’s younger sister –  One of the sweetest 6-year olds to ever exist, no adults are immune to her cuteness. Adventurous, curious and without fear she will fight anyone that messes with her family.
Drew: Zombie co-worker – An ex fry-cook at the diner who died a year back by choking on a burger whilst on shift. He now returns to his former work place to resume his job every night but is the opposite to a hindrance as his cooking skills are to die for, too bad his vocabulary is now limited to just the word “Burger”.
Mangus: Skeleton/ Regular customer – A Scotsman through and through, Mangus is one of the loudest, grumpiest and most patriotic people you’ll ever meet. Due to just being bones food doesn’t interest him, drinks on the other hand are what attract him to the diner most nights and luckily for Charlie every drink doesn’t require a floor clean up due to the bagpipes lodged in his ribcage that acts as a sort of stomach/ hilarious noise maker at the worst of times. 
Delano: Vampire/ Regular customer – One of the most energetic customers known for his flare for the dramatic and who runs on a constant sugar high due to his addiction to red slushies (which no one minds as they seem to quench his natural thirst for blood). He’s desperately trying to stay hip and with the times which is pretty hard for a centuries old vampire but that certainly won’t stop him from trying even if his ways are a bit dated.   
Rivet: Werebear/ Regular customer – The criminal biker gang leader with a heart of gold, well sort of, who follows a code to only target those who deserve their wrath. At first glance she is pure intimidation but with mother bear instincts so strong her gang has to stop her from trying to adopt every child she sees. At least Charlie feels at ease knowing that the 6-foot-tall wall of muscle that turns into a huge bear on full moons is on his side.

The show is set in an isolated town in America and the show will feature many different locations around this town, but the main ones being: The Diner, Charlie’s house and the woods surrounding the diner. 

The show is suitable for all ages but specifically is aimed at an audience of 7-15 year olds, and will consist of 20-minute episodes as I prefer longer shows as you can fit more detail into them and focus on multiple storylines at a time. Out of the different broadcasters, Cartoon Network is the channel I think my show would be best suited for as it’s targeted towards 7-15-year olds too, which is an older demographic than most of the other channels aim for. Most of the shows I was inspired by also aired on cartoon network such as: Courage the cowardly dog, Over the garden wall, The marvellous misadventures of Flapjack and Villainous. The show would be fully animated without using any real-world assets and would be complete digital 2D. 

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